Dr. Isabelle Kürschner

Research interests and professional expertise

In my recent research I have focused on diversity and inclusion issues, such as corporate governance, work-life-balance, and the future of the workplace. I am interested in studying women and men across levels, functions, and geographies to learn about women’s experiences in business, barriers to their career advancement, and individual and organizational strategies leading to success.

As a political scientist by training I have been studying political participation on all levels and the advancement of women in political parties, parliaments and democracies.

Educational Background

2007 - 2009 Dr. phil., Political Science, Catholic University Eichstaett
2002 - 2005 Magister Artium, Political Science, Sociology, American Studies, Catholic University, Eichstaett
2001 - 2002 McGill University, Montréal, Canada
1999 - 2001 Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen

Relevant work experience

09/2011 - today Catalyst Europe AG, Ambassador for the Germanic Region
11/2009 - 08/2011 Hanns-Seidel-Foundation, Munich, Research Associate for Women and Family Affairs
07/2005 - 07/2007 CSU Landesleitung (Party Headquarters), Munich, Managing Director, Women's Council